2019 Houston Transgender Unity Banquet

Vica PappWe are excited to announce that Vica Papp will be returning to Houston to speak at the 2019 Houston Transgender Unity Banquet!

 Vica is a forensic speech scientist specializing in mining speaker characteristics and biometrics from large data bases with a background in forensic text linguistics, as well as in theoretical and applied linguistics and is currently a Forensic Speech Science Lecturer at University of Canterbury New Zealand.

Vica spent a lot of time working with the Houston transgender community while pursuing a PHD at Rice.

While in Houston the week following the banquet Vica will be offering group and individual voice classes for those one wishing to masculinize or feminize their voice and speech. The classes will be September 22 – Sept 27.

If you are interested in the voice training sessions, click here to send us an email message and we will notify you as soon as the schedules are finalized.

For more information about the Unity Banquet visit Unitybanquet.com.

For 2019 Unity Banquet tickets click here.

2019 Houston Transgender Unity Banquet speakers are made possible in part by a grant from the John Stephen Kellett Foundation.

2019 Houston Transgender Unity Banquet

Jon RosenthalState Representative Jon Rosenthal to open the 2019 Houston Transgender Unity Banquet!

The Houston Transgender Unity Committee (HTUC) is pleased to announce that District 135 State Representative Jon Rosenthal will deliver opening remarks for this year’s banquet.

2018 Uhoston Transgender Unity BanquetJon is a strong ally to the LGBTQ+ community and is a champion for improving public education in Texas. After completing a very successful freshman year in the Texas Legislature where his engineering background allowed him to provide a science and fact based perspective discussions about legislation Jon was named Freshman of the Year by the Legislative Study Group (LSG) Caucus

For more information visit Unitybanquet.com.

For 2019 Unity Banquet tickets click here.

25th Houston Transgender Unity Banquet

September 16, 2017 is around the corner and we are excited to share another year with YOU in community! Click here for tickets and sponsorship!

We will share a meal, celebrate victories, listen to speakers, and dance the night away!

See you soon!


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