Welcome Trudie Jackson 2018 Houston Transgender Unity Banquet Speaker

Trudie Jackson a member of the Navajo Nation and identifies as a 5th gender person.  Her clans are Bitterwater and Folded Arms People, then the Mexican People and Yucca Strung Out In A Line.  Originally from Teec Nos Pos, Arizona, but currently reside in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  She is a 2nd year doctoral student at the University of New Mexico in American Studies with researching focusing on American Indian Transgender Women in Urban Areas.
Trudie has been a community activist and social justice advocate by standing up for communities of color inclusion in spaces often occupied by non-person of color including American Indians.  She founded the Southwest American Indian Rainbow Gatheirng, which is currently in its 8th year in Phoenix, Arizona that addresses health disparities of American Indians that identify as Two Spirit (SLGBTQ).  Her tireless advocacy lead to receiving the Marty Prairie Red Ribbon Award from the National Native American AIDS Prevention Center in 2008 for her strong voice, action, and leadership in tribal (urban/rural) communities.  In 2017, she was awarded the Equality Arizona Skip Schrader Spirit of Activism Award at the It Gets Better Conference in Tucson, Arizona.  Since relocating to Albuquerque, New Mexico, she is a Board member for the Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico.  Recently presented at TPATH in Vancouver, BC, Canada in 2017 by sharing her experience of utilizing the Indian Health Service as an enrolled member of a federally recognized tribe of the US.
Trudie’s educational journey would not have been possible without the financial assistance from the Phoenix Pride Scholarship, Udall Foundation Scholar in 2011, American Indian Services, Office of Navajo Nation Student Financial Assistance (ONNSFA), and Teec Nos Pos Student Chapter Financial Assistance.  She is a four time POINT Foundation Semifinalist and continues to apply to one day become a POINT Scholar.
Trudie’s journey as an American Indian transgender women by walking in Two Worlds has been challenging, but has always followed her motto:  determination, motivation, perseverance, and resilience.
Trudie is a candidate in the Navajo Nation Presidential election as the first Navajo transgender women running for the highest office of the Navajo Nation.   She has continued to break down barriers by being an inspiration to all transgender people.
Click HERE for tickets!

TG Archive Acquisitions & Friends of Queer Voices

 We are kicking off fundraising to support the Houston Queer Voices Radio Show and to raise money for TG Archive Acquisitions!

Queer Voices has been the reliable voice of the Houston GLBT community for many years. Currently Queer Voices can be heard every Monday evening on Pacifica Radio’s Houston station KPFT. For some time Pacifica Radio’s financial situation has been difficult. This has left Queer Voices in a situation where they may need to make alternative production and broadcast arrangements on very short notice. The purpose of Our “Friends of Queer Voices” fund will raise money to support the Houston Queer Voices radio show by assuring that there is money available to support this move should it happen and provide other funding to Queer Voices as appropriate.

Support Friends of Queer Voices

The second fund we are kicking off is the TG Archive Acquisition fund. Currently when we find something that we would like to acquire for the Transgender Archives, we do semi-panic fundraising and hope we can raise the funds before someone else acquires the item. This fund is to give us a head start on the fund raising so we can improve our acquisition success.

Support the Transgender Archive Acquisition Fund

AND … if you would like to support both of these funds just donate via the link below and we will split your donation evenly between the two…

Support Friends of Queer Voices and TG Archive Acquisitions


The Friends of Queer Voices fund and the TG Archives Acquisition fund are projects of the Transgender Foundation of America (TFA). TFA is a 501(c)3 public charity located in Houston, Texas. 10% of funds raised for projects go to TFA’s unrestricted account to cover support group space rental and general expenses. All other monies raised directly support the purpose of the fund.
For the Friends of Queer Voices fund it is possible that the time will come when the producers of Queer Voices may decide that these backup funds are no longer necessary. If that occurs 50% of the fund balance will be donated to one or more 501(c)3s chosen by Queer Voices and the remaining 50% will be donated to the TG Archive Acquisition fund.

25th Houston Transgender Unity Banquet

Fiona Dawson as our primary speaker….    Kevin Anderson as our emcee….

We look forward to spending the night with YOU and YOURS at the

25th Houston Transgender Unity Banquet

Saturday November 4, 2017 doors open at 6:30 pm

Houston Marriot North  255 North Sam Houston Pkwy E Houston TX 77060



Trans Disaster Relief Fund Donor Comments

Some of the comments we have received from our fantastic donors ….


“With love, be well my sisters.”


“Thank you for helping trans and gq people survive and recover after the massive flooding.”


“TEA! just TEA! is thinking of you and hoping all are safe.”


“Peace peace peace and so much love to all of you!”


“With love, from Canada.”


“For trans hurricane relief”


“Be safe.  From California”




“In love and struggle”




“In honor of Penny Jo, Heather, and Amie”


“Solidarity! <3”


“Just want to say hi to Scout from TAP. Hope you are doing well, friend. -Andrew at Victoria”


“sending love”


“it’s not a lot but i hope it helps”

Everything helps … especially the fact that you care!


“Good luck.”


“Thank you for all your work transgender and intersex persons. I hope this little amount can help someone recover and stay safe during this terrible situation. Much love to you all.”


“My heart is with you, as you work to keep people safe and comforted during this time. I hope this little bit helps and that you feel the love and support from strangers far away.”


“Sending you love from VA.”


“Keep up the good work!”


“From a Texas ex-pat. Wishing blessings, peace, and safety on all those you are helping.”


“Hurricane Harvey”


“For those affected by Harvey”


“Sending love to the trans community of TX from MD! <3”


“Thank you “




“From Minnesota to Texas. Hope this helps some.”




“Thank you”


“cos solidarity via symbolic donation is as ez as 123…”


“I’m a trans woman from Illinois and I appreciate the work you are doing!”


“I don’t have much to give but I’m sending my positive energy! Stay safe y’all “


“y’all doing good work :)”


“Hurricane Harvey”


“Thank you so much for the work you do. Sending love and prayers from Los Angeles.”


“Please use this to help trans and queer people displaced by Hurricane Harvey.”

Thank you , and we will.


“Sending cold hard cash instead of thoughts and prayers. I wish I could help more! Please also give someone a hug for me and tell them they are loved.”


“For Hurricane Harvey response”


“Thank you for doing this important work.  Love from Canadian friend”


“Please keep my identity and donation anonymous. Thank you in advance for your consideration of this request.”

Absolutely! … In fact, we have already forgotten who you are … ok, we haven’t really forgotten, we just won’t tell anyone.


“Sending love from Colorado.”


“We were very fortunate, to have lost nothing. My husband and I (both transgender) are happy to do this small thing to help our brothers and sisters.”


“We love you from Mississippi”


“The band Lower Dens posted on FB about y’all. Thank you for working hard to protect people in need.”

We will send them a thank you note!


“Send my love and support to all of the people affected by Harvey. I hope you all stay safe and dry.”


“Thank you”


“Thank you for being there for this community “


“My love and thoughts and positive energy goes out to y’all. Stay safe and cared for.”


“Sending prayers. Be safe.”


“Sending love from Philadelphia.”


“Stay safe y’all.  Thanks for providing a way for us to help.”


“thank you!”


“blessed be”


“Be blessed. My prayers are with you. Love you all so much xo”


“thank you xoxo”


“Transgender relief fund for Harvey. God bless”


“Sending love and strength <3”


“Trans Floridian living in Washington wishing everyone a speedy and safe recovery.”


“Thank you for your hard work helping people!”


“Hope it will help a little during this disaster. Trans people deserve the same help as anyone else. Love to you all”






“Thank you for the work you’re doing to assist marginalized people in Houston in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.”


“Thank you for your work!”


“Sending you love and solidarity, thanks for your work, and thoughts of strength, resiliency, and justice from Olympia, Washington.”


“My heart is going out to my fellow QUILTBAGgers. I don’t know you but I love you all. <3”


“Best Wishes from Colorado Springs”


“We love you”


“For Harvey flood relief”


“Keep doing the good work! Fighting the good, hard fight.”


“Thank you so much for the work you are doing. You have my support. “


“Donating in conjunction with my spouse. We send you much love from Iowa. <3”


“Thank you for the work you are doing!”


“Thanks for the good work you’re doing.”


“Solidarity from Kentucky. Thank you for the work you are doing!”


“Spectrum South stands with LGBTQI Houston”


“Hi I’m Ola. Thank you for setting this fund up for our folks. Let me know how else I can help as I am also in the Houston metro area.”


“Sending much love and support. Thank you for your work! Also, I didn’t see a privacy policy online; so, please note my request: do not sell, trade, or share my information with other groups or orgs and or send print mail. Many thanks!”

Request noted and will absolutely be honored. And, we will add our privacy policy ….


“Please do not add my address to any paper mailing lists. Email is fine though.”

Request noted and will absolutely be honored.


“This was raised from a fundraiser we did selling a workbook on diversity, equity and inclusion.  Solidarity and blessings.”

Thank you!! 


“Please make sure these funds go directly to a person in need!”


“Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief”


“Houston loves you “


… our donors are really amazing!

Like No Udder Supports The Trans Disaster Relief Fund & Austin Pets Alive

The truck will be at Narragansett Town Beach from 6-8 this evening – come look at the waves!
The shop will be open 1-9 today…
Today and tomorrow (Thurs) we will be donating 10% of ice cream related sales to two groups doing relief work in Texas.
Donations will support Austin Pets Alive! – they are helping hundreds of animals right now – check their page – it’s mind boggling! Donations will also support TFA Houston / The Trans Disaster Relief Fund. 
Thank you for coming in!

Buck Angel urges support for the Trans Disaster Relief Fund

Buck Angel: “Not everyone is in a position to be treated respectfully so we must care for our own…”


Donate Now

  • Many members of the Gulf Coast trans, intersex, and genderqueer community have lost everything

  • Trans, intersex, and genderqueer individuals can experience extreme difficulties in natural disaster situations.

  • The TransAdvocate’s parent organization, the Transgender Foundation of America has organized a community disaster relief fund.

  • The fund will directly assist Gulf Coast trans, intersex, and genderqueer survivors recover from this disaster

Speaking about the Trans Disaster Relief Fund, Buck Angel urged the trans and supportive communities to support trans, intersex, and genderqueer community members survive Hurrican Harvey, “We must care for our own right now.”

Recent attacks by lawmakers have resulted in heightened hostility against local trans people. The Trans Disaster Relief Fund, will be used to help our historically underserved community recover from this catastrophic event. If needed, the fund will also assist with burial costs for community members who’ve lost their lives in this historic disaster.

The Texas Gulf Coast trans community is facing a catastrophic and ongoing natural disaster resulting from Hurricane Harvey which made landfall as a category 4 hurricane, becoming a massive and slow-moving tropical storm resulting in historic-levels of flooding. Numerous members of the trans community are displaced and have lost everything.

Donate Now

Help The Trans Community Overcome Hurricane/Tropical Storm Harvey!

Donate to the Trans Disaster Relief Fund

Help the Gulf Coast trans community affected by Hurricane/Tropical Storm Harvey:

  • Many members of the Gulf Coast trans, intersex, and genderqueer community have lost everything.
  • Trans, intersex, and genderqueer individuals can experience extreme difficulties in natural disaster situations.
  • The TransAdvocate’s parent organization, the Transgender Foundation of America has organized a community disaster relief fund.
  • The fund will assist Gulf Coast trans, intersex, and genderqueer survivors recover from this disaster.

The Texas Gulf Coast trans community is facing a catastrophic and ongoing natural disaster resulting from Hurricane Harvey which made landfall as a category 4 hurricane, becoming a massive and slow-moving tropical storm resulting in historic-levels of flooding. Numerous members of the trans community are displaced and have lost everything.

Donate to the Trans Disaster Relief Fund

The Transgender Foundation of America created this disaster relief fund because trans, intersex, and genderqueer individuals have historically experienced significant difficulties in natural disaster situations. Worse, recent attacks by lawmakers have resulted in heightened hostility against local trans people. This fund will be used to help our historically underserved community recover from this catastrophic event. If needed, the fund will also assist with burial costs for community members who’ve lost their lives in this historic disaster.
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